Monday, September 8, 2014

Learn to Recognize the Environment

Learning is a process where a person get the right knowledge and learn something new. It is very good to learn that the recommended early childhood. It is intended that the child would learn well when he had grown familiar with his name study.
Lots of good learning methods, one of which is to identify the range of learning methods. With this method of learning as children usually are easy and so understand the importance of keeping surroundings. As teach you how to learn to treat plants, littering the place and you as a parent should be able to direct the children to love learning.
Also learn how to recognize the environment can make your child's mind active in the process to him.

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Kata Bijak Mutiara

  1. Keberanian merupakan harga yang harus anda bayar untuk hidup dengan kuat dan mapan
  2. Wanita yang baik memang akan menuntut untuk diperhatikan lebih, tetapi tidak akan menjadikan dirinya pengemis perhatian
  3. Kenangan tetap ada tetapi jangan terfokus disana, hidup anda bukan untuk kenangan tetapi buat masa depan dengan tetap semangat
  4. Jangan memikirkan kegagalan kemarin, karena hari ini sudah lain dan sukses pasti dapat diraih selama semangat masih melekat di dalam jiwa kita
  5. Seseorang memang tidak akan pernah memahami arti keberhasilan yang sempurna tanpa mengalami kegagalan sebelumnya
  6. Rasa disiplin dimulai dari penguasaan dari isi pikiran
  7. Jika anda tidak memulai hari ini dengan senyuman yang ada, belum ada kata terlambat untuk mengawali hari dengan senyuman esok hari
  8. Percayalah bahwa hari ini lebih indah daripada hari kemarin dengan adanya senyuman
  9. Wanita memang tidak suka menjelaskan apa yang dia inginkan, melainkan laki-laki yang harus mengerti apa yang dia inginkan
  10. Menghargai perasaan orang lain memang sangat bernilai
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Friday, September 5, 2014

Tips Menghilangkan Pikiran Negatif

Pikiran negative memang sering muncul dalam pikiran seseorang, hal ini memang bersifat wajar dan ilmiah. Pikiran negative memang menjadi suatu hal yang membuat seseorang akan berpikiran aneh-aneh dan mempunyai prasangka buruk. Namun pikiran negative ini dapat di cegah dengan memperhatikan hal-hal berikut.


Jika terdapat pikiran negative yang tiba-tiba muncul maka hal yang perlu anda lakukan adalah menarik napas dalam-dalam. Dengan cara ini anda dapat merasa lebih tenang dan nyaman. Dan dengan adanya rasa nyaman maka pikiran positip akan datang.


Menghilangkan pikiran negative juga dapat di alihkan dengan melakukan olahraga, selain menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran badan juga dapat menghilangkan pikiran negative.

Membuat batasan waktu

Langkah ini memang tidak membiarkan pikiran negative menguasai pikiran, dengan cara ini anda dapat melakukan batasan waktu agar bangkit ke pikiran positif.
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Kuliner Makan Enak di Yogya

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Popular Food In Indonesia

As we know that Indonesia is rich culinary variety. Each of the culinary variety does have its own characteristics. Given the many culinary make a lot of foreigners who want to try specialties from various regions in Indonesia. For that the following is a popular food in Indonesia are likely to give you information about the typical food in Indonesia. 

Fried Rice 

With a base made ​​from rice and various spices are there to make this into a culinary fried rice that never deserted from the culinary connoisseur. 

Soto Betawi 

Soto Betawi culinary from Jakarta such as soto soto Madura and eldest. Soto Betawi is a lot in search of culinary connoisseurs will be a sense of curiosity that possessed. 


Satay is a popular third culinary in Indonesia. There are so many kinds of existing satay from satay Madura typical, typical Blora and so forth. In general, these skewers made ​​of chicken, beef or goat.

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Gallery For Prom Hairstyles Braid

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Said Pearl Heart Cooling

  1. Only when detached suffering that can make you aware of the significance of the depth of love indeed 
  2. True friend will not have two opposites side when he was in front of you or behind you 
  3. Sometimes you would think someone has changed without you realizing it happened because he started being an adult 
  4. People want to feel happy to be loved fatigue resulting from work 
  5. High degree of confidence that will bring success to the original worked hard 
  6. Stop hoping for someone who does not appreciate you, if he was stupid enough to leave you, then you should be smart enough to let go 
  7. Appreciate what you have today !! Remember, true happiness will never come to those who do not appreciate what you have owned 
  8. A mother will always stay there when others leave you 
  9. Something in mind you'll be able to become the original statement no effort and determination to make it happen 
  10. Occasionally take offense to make you be wise, because of the errors you will get the best lessons about life.

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Pengertian Sastra Lama dan Ciri-cirinya

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tourism Puncak, Bogor, West Java

Travel to the top of Bogor is a tourist spot of the local residents as well as those coming from outside the area. The peak itself is the name of the mountain tourist area which includes the area of Bogor and Cianjur Regency. This area is already very well known because of the existing natural landscape, besides the peak tourist is in use Jakarta residents for a place to stay because of the availability of accommodation in this area. 

In this area there are also areas that make the plantation in Puncak, Bogor nature is becoming more beautiful and green. For those of you who love the hobby of flying in Puncak Bogor is also a paragliding tourist and you can enjoy the beauty of the peaks from the air. This place is suitable in use for urban public attraction to refresh your mind in the middle of a very dense work activity.

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Makanan khas sunda

Monday, September 1, 2014

Method Hair Care Good and True

Hair is a crown for every man and woman. Have a healthy and beautiful hair would be a dream for all people, including men and women. Usually to get a good hair healthy and in need of some businesses that will be done. One attempt to get healthy hair is to perform maintenance on the hair. 
  1. Especially considering the woman who wants to always have beautiful hair, do not be surprised if they always go to the salon in order to perform maintenance on the hair. For those of you who want to know about how to care hair naturally, following the Hair Care How Good and True. 
  2. You can try using natural oils like almond oil, coconut oil, and sunflower oil. 
  3. Using olive oil where it can maintain healthy hair and soften hair. 
  4. Hair Cleaning Shampoo every other day containing vitamin E and of course, rinse with cold water after using the shampoo when shampooing.

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